Peace Elements

What is a warrior?[]

-ts- >i have never called myself a buddhist.

Then stop quoting Zen stuff all over the place. You come across in two very different ways. How we behave under stress is the best indicator of our operant values. No one is in delusion about what yours are except you.

>and for your information the learning process you discribe >above is exactly >the process i go through to transform myself and what works >for me. >it just happens to be different that what you envision the >path to be. >and i know that you don't understand it.

Actually, I do understand it. It's what I did when jk et al. were "attacking" me.

>this is my way ... not yours. >and when attacked i fight back.

That's the problem. You think you're being attacked, when the other person isn't really intending to attack you. You just take it that way, and then you raise holy hell. If you could get out of your own armpit for a moment you might see that we're all just plodding along, making mistakes and tripping over our shoelaces. And you might just let that happen without getting all righteous and offended. Are you up to that kind of challenge? Are you willing to really be a warrior?

That's a challenge. Are you man enough to take it up?

>i ain't no friggin' bealtin' sheep.

No, you're a street tough.

>as i have said ... those who haven't the stomach for this ... need to sit down and shut up.

Or maybe they'll leave and you'll be here all alone. Would you like that? I predict that's what you're going to get.

>and if you are going to stand up and say something ... >then don't just throw a rock and run away. >one or the other.

As you can see, I came back to see if there were any ripples (more than half-hoping there weren't any).

Wishing you well, and finally letting go of having a teacher-student relationship with you (in either direction).

Be well,

