Peace Elements

Our Photo Sandbox

Play with the code copied from the Image Garden Tutorial here.
Discover/make up your own.
have fun.

Click on the discussion tab above to leave comments, ask questions ... etc.

Paste in some code and play

do it right Here.
wake the kids ... phone the neighbors ... call in sick

Main Page Clone



Tashi the Bodissattva kitten with a deep gasho points to the lemon tree and the earth to illustrate the hermetic teaching "As Above so Below"

ॐशान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः
W E L C O M E to Peace Elements

Having the strong wish that all living entities in the universe
are free of suffering, with peace of mind and heart
connected with all reasons for happiness

Ssbeach L a t e s t ~ N e w s

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Photos Page Clone

see Photos


Rainy fall walk





File:Xmas 04.jpg

candlelight for peace_vc


Use this as a template for larger images

Ma Nature Page Clone

see Ma Nature

Finger1 tweedy pie :-)

little biddy bird
arrived and departed
like a feathered thought

A seed hidden in the heart of an apple is an orchard invisible

Welsh Proverb


Are some icicles long
Some short?
We are poets and sages in so far as we do not
ask such questions, or rather, in asking them
we expect no answer and do not desire one.
To keep things in this state of wonder and
suspence, to want without desire to love deeply
without attachment, this is the real part of
all our living. then the different lengths of
the icicles, the different heights of wooden
pilings, the difference between the sun and
the moon, these things are of perpetual and
never-ending suprise, for ...
"A long thing is the Long Body of Buddha;
A short thing is the Short Body of Buddha."
-R.H.Blyth in Haiku Vol4 Autumn/Winter-

Can't talk of Ma Nature without speaking about Shamanism


[[Image:Finger1.jpg ]]
<font color=#777788>
::''little biddy bird
::''arrived and departed
::''like a feathered thought

Here's "biddy bird"...


little biddy bird
arrived and departed
like a feathered thought

<font color=#777788>
::''little biddy bird
::''arrived and departed
::''like a feathered thought
<br style="clear:both;" /> 

Here's "biddy bird"...


little biddy bird
arrived and departed
like a feathered thought

<div style="float:left;">
<font color=#777788>
::''little biddy bird
::''arrived and departed
::''like a feathered thought
<br style="clear:both;" />

Here's "biddy bird"...


little biddy bird
arrived and departed
like a feathered thought

newer experiments

Co-aligning images

<div style="float:left;width:200px;"> 

what happens if i put text here?<BR>
the 200px determines how much text fits before it wraps
and some more here?<BR>
doesn't allow text to the right of the pic
and then here too?

<br style="clear:both;" /> 

what happens if i put text here?
the 200px determines how much text fits before it wraps



and some more here?
doesn't allow text to the right of the pic



and then here too?

Experiment, Play, Have Fun

so it appears

that if one

uses the left

float in the

image then

the pic will

align left

and we can

add all the

text that we

want and it

will end up

not below ...

but to the right.


hmmmm ...

what about another pic?

yes ... that works as well ... and if you use the "right" float then we can control

where it ends up page height wise ... and still have the text end up between the pics.

useing "center" float seems to interfere with the text. not sure just why.
