Peace Elements


Dear Friends of Peace,

Peace is a hard job. All we can do is envisage and enable its fruition.
We are trying. If you have some words or art or inspiration or quote ...
we welcome it.
We feel it will resonate and transform.

Thank you.

Thank you for the present.

Thank you for your presence!

  • Warm welcome to new Friends ~ Tell us about yourself

occupant's info pages: Add your name and any details if you will be dropping by, preparing, participating or observing

Welcome One and All []

  1. Know Mystery Poet, blogger, Active Peace Elements developer, CurlChat developer
  2. Joe Riley Poet and Panhala forum host
  3. Steve Toth Poet, Active Peace Elements developer
  4. Yosy Flug Raised by Wolves, Spiritual comedian, active on CurlChat
  5. Jigme_Champa Duckini, Host of freeflow, active on CurlChat
  6. Zen Oleary Artist and poet
  7. Jinavamsa Author of the 'The Inner Palace' and meditation teacher
  8. Raymond Sigristtalk Devotee of Apophatic Mysticism and Exploration 勘探
  9. Lisbeth DuckDaoist
  10. Shadow Senior programmer, CurlChat developer
  11. GemmOne Son Of God, Psychic, Artist, Teacher of Enlightenment
  12. Sampas General spiritual gad-about, photographer, sannyasin
  13. Vinagpal Vipassana Meditator
  14. Jan Mirehiels Tmxxine futurologist
  15. Angela Active Peace Elements developer, Wikia developer
  16. Peter Kloppert Beyond any description
  17. Lobster Renaissance Crustacean
  18. -ts-(talk) Hermit, Brother of the Grizzly, CurlChatter, Apprentice Fool
  19. Lynnkub Artist of varied humours
  20. Godsil Apprentice Charismatic Peddler
  21. ErnstGruber A naked man with doves and oil paint
  22. [Mireille Hollaar
  23. GreenReaper Software Developer and Creatures fan
  24. chance0(talk)
  25. Hedi Brand New member.
  26. Izy Mostly invisible ancient wonderer - likes Green
  27. HDThoreau Saunterer, Bug Watcher, Aimless Seeker, Jester
  28. Vcoo person
Add yourself to our Gallery of Peaceful Friends

Resources and groups one may join[]

